Day 5 of field school



Clouds over the pa

Today I think we really did experience all four seasons over the course of 7 hours.  We woke up at (the slightly later time of) 6.15am after a long night of howling winds which kept us all awake, particularly those of our group who drew the short straw tent-wise.  We got soaked as we excavated through the sporadic but aggressive rain this morning.  We then all got sunburnt this afternoon as the sun beat down on us.  Less than ideal weather combined with general day-five-itis led to a bit of a lull in the communal student moral this morning, however, revived by sun and sea we’re all a little merrier now.


Geared up for a wet day


Southern extension

Archaeologically, today was pretty exciting.  I was working in our southern extension of the trench.  We excavated down to a paleodune on the eastern border, uncovered a fair amount of one, and came across copious amounts of obsidian.  We also uncovered a series of postholes across the trench which seem to correspond to concentrations of fire-cracked rocks.  I think that something we’re all pretty curious about and look forward to excavating further tomorrow!

It’s got to the point where we all feel (tentatively) in the swing of things now.  The early mornings are tolerable, the constant stream of questions we have as we excavate is somewhat dwindling, and we are all realising that we’re going to miss GMI terribly.



Beautiful view from the sieves

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